Celebrating agencies that top the charts on employee engagement
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Celebrating agencies that top the charts on employee engagement

January 17, 2020 | Updated on July 1, 2021

Good leaders create an environment that enables employees to do their jobs effectively, said Partnership President and CEO Max Stier at a breakfast celebration last Friday for top agencies in the 2019 Best Places to Work in the Federal Government® rankings.

 “It’s far more likely that the nation is being served well and problems are getting solved when agencies are managed by good leaders who take care of their employees,” Stier said.

At the event, the Partnership recognized the top-ranked and most improved large, midsize, small and subcomponent agencies. The Best Places to Work rankings offer a comprehensive rating of employee engagement in the federal government, and the top agencies ranked highly in leadership, innovation, teamwork and a range of other important employee issues.

Focusing on employees’ good work is important for improving government, said Danny Werfel, partner and managing director at Boston Consulting Group, at the breakfast. BCG coproduces the Best Places to Work rankings and is consistently listed as one of the best companies to work for—recognition Werfel attributed to the fact that BCG pays attention to the employee experience.

“From the moment you arrive [as a BCG employee], there’s a real sense that your journey is important, and ‘what do we need to do make you successful?’” Werfel said.

“If you’re here today, it means that your agencies have adopted that philosophy of focusing on the employee,” he added. 

The intelligence community ranked third in the large agency category, and Andrew Hallman, principal executive at the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, credited its top-ranking people, their leaders and their mission.

“We’re got a world-class workforce with unmatched expertise and dedication,” Hallman said. “Our leaders serve our workforce by creating a positive, inclusive and flexible workplace—a place where a diverse workforce can apply skills to our mission.”

The top-ranked agencies honored at this event can serve as a model to inspire leaders across government to increase employee engagement in their own agencies. Visit bestplacestowork.org/resources for employee engagement best practices and recommendations.

Watch highlights from the breakfast below.