We the Partnership

Why data matters: The case for evidence-based innovation

How agencies collect, interpret and share data informs how they make decisions, develop strategies and allocate resources—all of which are central to federal innovation. In the latest post in our innovation series, we explore barriers to effective data collection, tips to help build a data-driven government and how good data can drive innovation.

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4 recommendations for building a customer-focused government

Efforts to improve the federal customer experience have made significant gains over the past few years, yet the government still lags behind the private sector in customer satisfaction metrics. To narrow this gap, federal agencies need to deliver better services by focusing on the needs and experiences of the people they serve.

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Four recommendations to improve the federal customer experience

“Government for the People,” a recent report by the Partnership in collaboration with Accenture, offers tips for agency officials to improve the customer experience both during and after the pandemic. Read the four government-wide strategies that agency officials can implement to further improve services.

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Why internal customer experience helps agencies deliver on their mission

To deliver on mission and operate smoothly, federal agencies require mission-support employees to provide high-quality internal customer experience. The Partnership’s new Mission Support Leadership Program aims to provide these employees with the leadership skills they need to support their colleagues and the government as a whole.

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A different way of thinking about the size of government

While the U.S. population has continued to increase, the size of the federal workforce has remained relatively stable over the past few decades. By examining the size of government from this perspective, it becomes clear that government efficiency is critical for agencies to effectively deliver services to the American people.

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