Making an impact through cross-sector collaboration The Partnership hosted a West Coast virtual event highlighting lessons learned and keys to successful results regarding cross-sector collaboration. Code for America CEO Amanda Renteria and Joey Mercer, the principal investigator for NASA’s Scalable Traffic Management for Emergency Response Operations, each explained how they worked with government entities and others to benefit the public. Read More
3 takeaways from the team who helped Californians access affordable internet In 2021, the Federal Communications Commission launched the Emergency Broadband Benefit, a program that provided temporary discounts on internet services to qualifying low-income families in California. Last month, the Partnership hosted an event with three former federal leaders who worked to increase access to the program. The team shared lessons that other public sector leaders can use to improve access to services and develop better program outcomes. Read More
Employee Value Proposition: A tool to help communicate why your agency is a great place to work An Employee Value Proposition, or EVP, is the promise you make as an employer to your employees in return for their commitment to your organization, and it can be a valuable way to succinctly communicate why an individual should want to work for your agency. We share tips to create an EVP that will help your agency improve recruiting and hiring efforts. Read More
3 ways to bolster collaboration between federal, state and local government Partnerships across levels of government are critical to responding to national emergencies. We’re sharing three strategies from previous successful partnerships to demonstrate how federal agencies can promote effective intergovernmental collaboration. Read More
Women’s History Month: Advancing women in the federal government Overall, there are fewer women employees in government, and they tend to hold more junior positions. Federally Employed Women, a nonprofit that seeks to improve the status of women in the federal workforce, is working to address this issue by offering resources that can help bring more women into government and support their career advancement. Read More
Why federal-state partnerships are key to addressing California’s natural disasters and emergencies As California’s climate and environmental crises continue to intensify, increased coordination between federal and state agencies will be essential. To help the state better address these critical issues, we offer key recommendations for bolstering collaboration across agencies, between levels of government, and with organizations in both the private and nonprofit sectors. Read More
Diversity in California’s federal workforce: A tale of two trends The latest installment of our Fed Figures series suggests that California is a leader in hiring diverse federal talent. However, a deeper dive reveals stark racial and ethnic inequalities based on job level. Read More
Diversity in federal leadership matters: Perspectives from a public servant Robert Tse, senior policy advisor at the Agriculture Department’s Rural Utility Service, spoke with us about how diverse leadership can help government build a more inclusive workforce and offer more equitable services. He shared how his own racial and ethnic identity impacts his work and how we can leverage the diversity of the federal workforce to make services more accessible. Read More