Celebrating agencies that top the charts on employee engagement At the 2019 Best Places to Work in the Federal Government® awards breakfast, we honored the top-ranked and most improved agencies in this year’s rankings. The speakers at this event, including Partnership President and CEO Max Stier and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence Principal Executive Andrew Hallman, emphasized the benefits of employee engagement and why leaders should focus on the employee experience. Read More
How we’re using our employee engagement ranking and survey results to improve our organization When the NonProfit Times released this year’s Best Nonprofits to Work For list, the Partnership was ranked number 26, down from last year. Amiko Matsumoto writes that the Partnership took this as an opportunity to reflect on our performance and improve employee engagement. Read more to find out how. Read More
A closer look into our 2018 government-wide employee engagement score At the end of the day, our government’s most important asset is its people. This year’s Best Places to Work findings demonstrate that collectively we have a lot of work remaining to support and strengthen the federal workforce. Read More