Leading Practices for Aligning Internal Controls & Risk Management Effective risk managers understand well the use of internal controls to manage risk. OMB Circular A-123 calls on agencies to connect enterprise risk management (ERM) and internal controls. As ERM practices are adopted more widely within government, most agencies have focused on the intersection of ERM and internal controls over financial reporting. In this working session, our panelists will consider some of the best practices that have emerged since 2016. And, given the criticality of business processes in supporting accomplishments of missions and objectives, they will discuss emerging best practices that expand ERM more broadly to prioritize and manage operational, IT, cyber, and other controls. Join the Partnership for Public Service and Deloitte for a conversation with agency risk leaders on how they strengthen agency resilience by successfully integrating these risk disciplines. Date Monday, February 6, 2023 Time 3-4:30 p.m. ET Location Zoom for Government- To join the program, click on the link listed below. https://www.zoomgov.com/j/1605155236?pwd=a1VmVU9rK1JidUtSdmhtaE85RDl2UT09 Speakers Jason Bruno – Department of the Interior’s Bureau of Trust Funds Administration, Director of the Office of Trust Risk, Evaluation, and Compliance (OTREC) and Deputy Chief Financial Officer Tracy Davis Bradley, PhD – Veteran’s Health Administration, Executive Director for Office of Integrity and Compliance (OIC) and Deputy Designated Ethics Official Questions? Please contact Triveni Patel at TPatel@ourpublicservice.org if you have any questions about the session.