RELATED January 27, 2025 Federal Agencies in Focus: Department of Justice January 24, 2025 Max Stier’s statement for the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform hearing “The Stay-at-Home Federal Workforce: Another Biden-Harris Legacy” January 17, 2025 Federal Telework By the Numbers Back to Reports Federal Pay March 9, 2011 On March 9, 2011, Partnership President and CEO Max Stier testified before the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform Subcommittee on Federal Workforce, U.S. Postal Service and Labor Policy on the federal government’s approach to civilian employee compensation. In his testimony, Stier suggested that the goal of the federal compensation system should be to enable the federal government to recruit, hire and retain the talent that it needs. To achieve that goal, Stier recommended that the federal pay system be more market-sensitive. Additionally, Stier advocated for a more updated job classification system, better and more complete market-based salary surveys to enable the government to pay employees fairly, and sound workforce planning to anticipate and understand future hiring needs. Download (254k)