
Jordan LaPier
(202) 495-3320

Letter of Support for the DATA Act

July 1, 2013

Contact: Sarah Howe
(202) 775-9111

WASHINGTON–Partnership for Public Service President and CEO Max Stier released the following statement encouraging Chairman Carper to advance the Digital Accountability and Transparency (DATA) Act:

“Dear Chairman Carper:

On behalf of the Partnership for Public Service, I encourage you to advance S. 994, the Digital Accountability and Transparency (DATA) Act, through the Committee on Homeland Securityand Governmental Affairs. A bipartisan companion bill, H.R. 2061, has already been approvedby the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform. Continuing to move forward onthe DATA Act would be a powerful message to the American people that the commitment togovernment transparency and effectiveness reaches across the aisle.

The DATA Act would improve the quality and availability of federal program and grant spendingdata accessible by the public and allow for better detection of waste, fraud, abuse, andinefficiency in the use of taxpayer dollars. This information is an important first step towardsbreaking down the management silos responsible for inefficient and duplicative spending andencouraging agencies to move to more streamlined, enterprise-wide views of how theymaximize limited resources. This bill will provide the hard data necessary to begin building thehighly-effective government that the American people deserve.

The Partnership for Public Service is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization that works torevitalize our federal government by inspiring a new generation to serve and by transforming the way government works. We enthusiastically support this bipartisan legislation, which willtransform government for the better. I hope that, in your role as committee chairman, you will support and advance the DATA Act at the earliest possible opportunity.

Very best wishes.

Max Stier
President and CEO”

The Partnership for Public Service works to revitalize the federal government by inspiring a new generation to serve and by transforming the way government works. 
