Best Places to Work in the Federal Government® The most comprehensive and authoritative assessment of employee engagement and satisfaction in the federal government. Visit The Partnership, in collaboration with Boston Consulting Group, measures employee engagement and satisfaction government-wide as well as within individual departments, agencies and subcomponents. When the project began in 2003, employee engagement was a niche human resources concept. It has now become a priority for political and career leaders, garnered attention in the halls of Congress and spun off into initiatives across the federal government. Agency leaders and staffs have expanded their knowledge of employee engagement, developing strategies and implementing changes to improve their workplaces. Their efforts that have paid off. Despite disruptions and challenges, including pay and hiring freezes, government shutdowns, budget uncertainty, political turmoil and increasingly complex missions, many agencies have made strides in engaging employees and creating more productive work environments. “I am thrilled to be part of the journey to dissect the Best Places to Work data further and look at how we improve the federal employee experience.” – Margaret Weichert, deputy director of the Office of Management and Budget, 2018-2020 Research Thumbnail for Leading Together: An Exploration of the Relationship Between Leadership Type and Employee Engagement Leading Together: An Exploration of the Relationship Between Leadership Type and Employee Engagement One of the most critical elements of employee engagement is leadership. This exploratory analysis by the Partnership for Public Service’s Center for Presidential Transition® and Boston Consulting Group examined whether there is any difference in federal employee engagement if agency subcomponents are led by political appointees or by members of the career Senior Executive Service. Read more Thumbnail for 15 Editions of Best Places to Work 15 Editions of Best Places to Work Our anniversary report, produced in collaboration with Boston Consulting Group, reflects on both the opportunities and requirements for the next era of federal employee engagement. 15 Editions of Best Places to Work Thumbnail for Developing a Culture of Teamwork and Collaboration Developing a Culture of Teamwork and Collaboration Learn how to strengthen teamwork with approaches based on our research and discussions with agency leaders. Read More “Any time [Best Places data] talked about the agency and agency leadership, I took it personally. I had to clean my own leadership style up before I could talk to anybody else about getting themselves in order.” Charles Bolden, former NASA administrator Read more about the impact of Best Places Our Experts