2014 Best Places to Work in the Federal Government® Analysis: Innovation
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2014 Best Places to Work in the Federal Government® Analysis: Innovation

April 1, 2015

With the federal government operating in a climate of budget cuts and hiring slowdowns, agencies need to become more efficient and improve the delivery of their services. This will require federal agencies to develop innovative new ways of doing business. But according to a Best Places to Work in the Federal Government® analysis from the Partnership for Public Service, Deloitte and Hay Group, most federal employees are motivated to improve the way they do their work, but they do not feel that their leaders and organizations support creativity and innovation. The analysis includes:

  • The top-ranked agencies for innovation
  • Best practices from agencies that have made concerted efforts to encourage and reward employee creativity
  • Recommendations for how federal leaders can make their workplaces more conducive to new ideas and innovation 
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