The President’s Management Agenda: From Priorities to Results

The Biden-Harris Administration released its President’s Management Agenda Vision (PMA) in November 2021, with more details to be released in 2022. The Biden-Harris Management Agenda will focus on strategies to advance core priorities. To foster learning and coordination across agencies as they implement the PMA, the Partnership for Public Service and Grant Thornton Public Sector are hosting a series of virtual workshops for federal teams. With a focus on how improving management can help agencies advance cross-government priorities, our workshops will provide a neutral space for sharing lessons learned and identifying ways to effectively implement the Administration’s priorities.

Our three 75-minute virtual workshops will profile agency perspectives, share helpful best practices and resources, and provide a forum for cross-agency collaboration. We encourage you to come to all three sessions. Register today to reserve your spot!


  • Session 1: A Retrospective on Past PMAs – Thursday, January 27, 2022 from 10:00 to 11:15 am ET
    • This virtual event will focus on the lessons learned over the past 20 years of President’s Management Agendas, with an eye on what makes certain PMA initiatives stick over others and how to successfully implement the new PMA.
  • Session 2: The Biden-Harris Administration Approach – Wednesday, March 23, 2022 from 10:00 to 11:15 am ET
    • This virtual event will include an overview of the three priorities in the Biden-Harris Administration’s PMA Vision, with a focus on how agencies can make progress on these priorities while adapting to the current needs of the federal workforce and the public, as well as the unique operating environment caused by COVID-19.
  • Session 3: Using the PMA to Make a Difference – Tuesday, June 21, 2022 from 3:00 to 4:15 pm ET
    • The final session will focus on tracking progress on the PMA across government and will include a discussion on making strides through Cross-Agency Priority Goals and driving improvements at individual agencies.


All sessions will be virtual audio and video webinars on Zoom for Government. The Zoom for Government information for each session will be shared with you after registration through a calendar invitation from Jessica Reynoso ( and a reminder email prior to the session.

Please reach out to Victoria Schaefer at if you have any questions about the series.

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