Building an Enterprise Government: Creating an ecosystem for cross-agency collaboration in the next administration
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Building an Enterprise Government: Creating an ecosystem for cross-agency collaboration in the next administration

February 4, 2020

Over the last year, the Partnership for Public Service and the IBM Center for The Business of Government have held a series of roundtable discussions with key government leaders and stakeholders to develop a Management Roadmap for the next administration. This roadmap will share lessons learned, identify promising initiatives and offer ideas on successful implementation.

Our first roundtable and report focused on executive talent. Our second roundtable discussion was centered on how to create an ecosystem for cross-agency collaboration in the new administration. In the new report, “Building an Enterprise Government,” Jane E. Fountain outlines a framework that the next president and agency executives can use to formulate strategic priorities, modernize management processes and build capacity to achieve cross-agency goals.

In the coming months, we will release additional reports on related management topics. We invite you to learn more about the Partnership for Public Service’s Center for Presidential Transition and the Management Roadmap.

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