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A majority of those who do not believe the federal government plays a large role in their lives have received federal benefits

Recent public opinion research conducted by the Partnership for Public Service and Freedman Consulting found that a majority of people who said the federal government does not play much of a role in their lives also stated they have received federal benefits or assistance such as Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, veteran’s benefits, food stamps or housing assistance. The data suggests that the lack of awareness of the source of these benefits has a real and significant effect on public support of government.

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The Office of Personnel Management administers the Civil Service Retirement System and Federal Employees Retirement System—which provide benefits to retired public servants. Many federal employees and retirees, and their families, rely on the annuities and other benefits they are entitled to for financial security.

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Emily Kalnicky Director, Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning

Emily Kalnicky
Emily Kalnicky oversees and advances efforts at the Partnership to understand and improve overall program effectiveness and mission achievement through monitoring and evaluation data. Her appreciation of the importance of using data to support decisions and improve effectiveness has spanned her career in nonprofits, academia, and government agencies. Kalnicky holds a Ph.D. in Ecology and...
About Emily