Public Service Leadership Model: Quick links resource guide
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Public Service Leadership Model: Quick links resource guide

August 9, 2019 | Updated on June 2, 2022

To become a stronger leader, start with daily tasks

Most people have two kinds of lists. The first is a daily to-do list filled with urgent and time-sensitive tasks. The other I like to call a would-be-great-if-I-ever-get-around-to-it list. Too often, the task of “develop my leadership skills” falls on the latter.

So how do you turn intention into action? First, you need to set small, specific and attainable goals. You don’t train for a marathon by running the full 26.2 miles right away—you start with shorter runs, increasing your distance over time.

The same goes for becoming a stronger leader. You need to break down that ultimate goal into smaller steps. The Partnership’s Public Service Leadership Model is a guide for making progress along your leadership journey.

To get started, review the model to understand the fundamental competencies of federal leaders (becoming self-aware, engaging others, leading change and achieving results). Check out the resources below for tips on how you can work on strengthening these skills every day. By breaking into bite-size pieces how you can become an effective leader, you can move “develop my leadership skills” onto your daily to-do list sooner than you thought possible.

Becoming self-aware

A good first step in the leadership journey is to understand yourself. Identify the values and motivations that guide your thought processes and decisions. Getting to know yourself will help you interact and work with others.


  1. Harvard Business Review: Emotional intelligence explainer video
  2. Association for Talent Development: Effective leadership starts with self-awareness
  3. The Economist: Why integrity remains one of the top leadership attributes

Government success stories (Service to America Medals honorees):

Engaging others

Humans are social animals. Understanding how to work together and make connections will help you develop leadership behaviors that people will respect, trust and follow.


  1. Ted Talk (video), Amy Edmondson: Building a psychologically safe workplace
  2. Entrepreneur: 10 simple ways to build a collaborative, successful work environment
  3. Inc.: 6 questions that reveal if you are an inclusive leader
  4. Partnership for Public Service: Best Places to Work in the Federal Government® rankings

Government success stories (Sammies honorees):

Leading change

Contribute to change initiatives and take an active role in finding solutions. Support others through change and enable programs, departments and agencies to adapt and evolve.


  1. Center for Creative Leadership: 4 keys to strengthen your ability to influence others
  2. Ted Talk (video), Natalie Fratto: 3 ways to measure your adaptability—and how to improve it
  3. Society for Human Resource Management: How to grow your career by embracing risk

Government success stories (Sammies honorees):

Achieving results

See tasks and projects through to completion. Use tools, resources and past experiences to deliver outcomes that have meaningful impact.


  1. Forbes: The eight great accountability skills for business success
  2. Tech eHow: Why all business managers need to be tech savvy
  3. Partnership for Public Service: Customer experience: Mission delivery relies on strong customer service

Government success stories (Sammies honorees):