How leadership development participants achieve results in government Participants in our leadership development programs are tasked with tackling a complex issue facing our country and asked to develop, pitch—and in many cases implement—a solution. We explore two recent projects focused on using tech savviness to make health care safer and using evidence-based decision-making to address mental health support for federal employees. Read More
How to stay connected with remote colleagues How can we help teams who work remotely feel connected and engaged? This was the challenge that six participants in the Excellence in Government Fellows program wanted to tackle. For their EIG project, they created a toolkit with more than 70 team-building activities specifically tailored for teams who work virtually. Read More
Celebrating 30 years of the Excellence in Government Fellows Alumni of the Excellence in Government Fellows program attended a professional development conference at the Partnership to celebrate the program’s 30th anniversary. During a day of networking and learning, alumni advanced their leadership skills during sessions with government leaders, EIG coaches and Partnership staff. Read this post to see the most important lessons alumni learned. Read More
Unexpected lessons in leadership Lessons in leadership do not always come from colleagues, supervisors or even from people working in the same field as you. This was the case for David Levy, vice president of federal government at Amazon Web Services. Speaking at the March Excellence in Government Fellows program graduation ceremony, Levy shared the unexpected leadership advice he received from two doctors he has known. Read More
Why a Service to America Medals winner decided to participate in the Excellence in Government Fellows program Omar Pérez Aybar won a Service to America Medals award in 2014 for his work investigating Medicare fraud in South Florida. Four years later he decided to enroll in the Partnership’s Excellence in Government Fellows leadership development program. Pérez Aybar discusses his choice to join EIG and the importance of continuing to develop your leadership skills. Read More
Who out there wouldn’t like meetings to be more efficient? Ineffective meetings are a drag on productivity. One team of Excellence in Government Fellows participants decided to take on the challenge of making them more productive. Discover the toolkit they created to help federal employees determine if a meeting is necessary and plan to use the time most efficiently. Read More
Leading like Lincoln Participants in the Excellence in Government Fellows program toured the historical landmark President Lincoln’s summer home in Washington, D.C., to learn what made the 16th president such an effective leader and how they can adopt his leadership tactics for their own challenges. Read More
Values, vision and mission: The three pillars for leadership success Participants in the Partnership’s Excellence in Government Fellows program took a trip to historical Jamestown, Virginia, where they learned important leadership lessons for today’s federal employees. Read More
How the Partnership’s Service to America Medals and leadership programs have helped one fed improve his office Service to America Medal Award finalist and Excellence in Government fellow Josh Silverman discusses lessons learned from his experiences with the Partnership’s programs. Read More