Modern Government Leaders Cohort

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Modern Government Leaders Cohort

These senior executives are creating a government of the future, today. By leveraging modern ways of working, they are leading the evolution of their agencies to create a government that is adaptable, efficient, equitable and effective. The cohort gathers to overcome current challenges, author case studies that detail successful government modernization and prepare the next wave of senior federal innovators.

Amanda Kupfner

Assistant Commissioner and Chief Strategy Integration Officer

Department of the Treasury, Bureau of the Fiscal Service

Andrea Fletcher

Chief Digital Strategy Officer

Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services

Cara Rose

Director of Workplace and Collaboration Services

National Aeronautics and Space Administration

Chad Clifford

Executive Director, Grants Policy Oversight, Effectiveness, & Training

Department of Health and Human Services, ASFR-Office of Grants

Damiana Astudillo

Practice Lead and Senior Director, Human & Community Development

Millenium Challenge Corporation

Eric F. Stein

Deputy Director of Management Strategy and Solutions

Department of State, Office of Management Strategy and Solutions

Harry D. Knight Jr.

Director, Office of Performance Excellence

Department of Commerce, Office of the Secretary

Ishmael Alejo

Director, Refundable Credits Program Management

Department of the Treasury, Internal Revenue Service

Janis Coughlin-Piester

Chief Financial Officer

National Science Foundation, Budget, Finance, and Award Management

Jennifer Funk

Deputy Chief Financial Officer

Department of Transportation

Jennifer Porter

Deputy Administrator

Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Marketing Service

Max Pierce

Director, Management and Administration

Department of Energy, National Nuclear Security Administration

Teresa Hunter

Chief Financial Officer

Department of the Treasury, Internal Revenue Service

Quan Boatman

Deputy Director

Department of the Interior, Interior Business Center