Looking Ahead to a More Centrally Coordinated Federal Data Strategy Publication Type: Research and Publications Publication Topic: Innovation and Technology During the past several decades, ethically and effectively harnessing the power of data has become a growing priority for the federal government. The Foundations for Evidence-Based Policymaking Act of 2018 was approved by Congress with bipartisan support, empowering agencies to become more data-driven in decision-making and their operations. A strong focus on data in the...
From Data to Decisions: The Power of Analytics Publication Type: Research and Publications Publication Topic: Innovation and Technology The Partnership for Public Service, in collaboration with IBM’s Public Sector Business Analytics & Optimization practice, set out to study federal agencies’ use of analytics and how it helped them achieve better program results. We focused on identifying leading practices that illustrate how data informs decisions and drives meaningful and positive program changes. In particular,...
Seize the Data: Using Evidence to Transform How Federal Agencies Do Business Publication Type: Research and Publications For our federal government to become more effective and efficient, leaders need to use data and evidence to inform their decision-making. Is your agency using data to its fullest extent? In “Seize the Data: Using Evidence to Transform How Federal Agencies Do Business,” the Partnership for Public Service and Grant Thornton explore strategies for agencies...
From Data to Decisions III: Lessons from Early Analytics Programs Publication Type: Research and Publications Publication Topic: Innovation and Technology How can agency leaders and program managers get past the hype about big data to reap mission value from analytics? That’s what the Partnership for Public Service and the IBM Center for the Business of Government set out to learn from agency experts whose data-driven programs predate the iPhone, Google and even the internet. Their...