RELATED September 17, 2024 Jenny Mattingley’s statement for the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs hearing “Ensuring a Trustworthy Government” August 29, 2024 Focus on the Front Line or Fall Behind: A Fresh Look at Federal Employee Engagement August 22, 2024 Carrying the Baton: Recommendations for Presidential Transition Teams on Planning for Ongoing Major Investments Back to Reports College Students Are Attracted to Federal Service, but Agencies Need to Capitalize on Their Interest March 10, 2014 With Millennials comprising only 8.5 percent of the federal workforce, agencies must attract, hire and retain top talent from colleges and universities to ensure our government is positioned to tackle the country’s most pressing problems. What steps do agencies need to take to address this challenge? How can they do a better job of attracting the best and brightest? In an analysis, the Partnership for Public Service working with the National Association of Colleges and Employers analyzed a survey of more than 37,000 students from 646 colleges and universities, asking about everything from their expectations about their first job to whether they would consider a career in public service. The results revealed a complex picture. While only 2 percent of college students surveyed said they planned to enter federal service after graduation, 5.7 percent listed federal service as their ideal career. To help capitalize on this interest, the analysis includes strategies that federal managers and recruiters can employ to better draw top graduates. Download (155k)