The value of our leadership development programs: Perspectives from a two-time participant Read this Q&A with Lawrence Chambers, a graduate of our Leadership Excellence for Acquisition Professionals and a current participant in the Excellence in Government Fellows program, to see how these programs have helped him develop his leadership skills. Read More
How to stay connected with remote colleagues How can we help teams who work remotely feel connected and engaged? This was the challenge that six participants in the Excellence in Government Fellows program wanted to tackle. For their EIG project, they created a toolkit with more than 70 team-building activities specifically tailored for teams who work virtually. Read More
Public Service Leadership Model: Quick links resource guide Becoming a stronger leader can seem like a daunting task. While it takes hard work and dedication, it’s helpful to break down that ultimate goal into small, daily tasks. Learn how to use our Public Service Leadership Model and our list of resources to make becoming a better leader more manageable. Read More
Celebrating 30 years of the Excellence in Government Fellows Alumni of the Excellence in Government Fellows program attended a professional development conference at the Partnership to celebrate the program’s 30th anniversary. During a day of networking and learning, alumni advanced their leadership skills during sessions with government leaders, EIG coaches and Partnership staff. Read this post to see the most important lessons alumni learned. Read More
A new standard for government leaders Leading in the federal government is a unique and complicated challenge. The Partnership has created the Public Service Leadership Model to help government leaders evaluate their performance, assess their progress and chart a course to reach their leadership potential. Learn more about the model and how individuals, teams and agencies can use it to strengthen our government. Read More
Developing a leadership mindset: Perspectives from a Preparing to Lead program participant Read this Q&A with Richard Black, a participant in our Preparing to Lead program, to see how this program has been valuable in developing his leadership skills. Read More
Unexpected lessons in leadership Lessons in leadership do not always come from colleagues, supervisors or even from people working in the same field as you. This was the case for David Levy, vice president of federal government at Amazon Web Services. Speaking at the March Excellence in Government Fellows program graduation ceremony, Levy shared the unexpected leadership advice he received from two doctors he has known. Read More
Why a Service to America Medals winner decided to participate in the Excellence in Government Fellows program Omar Pérez Aybar won a Service to America Medals award in 2014 for his work investigating Medicare fraud in South Florida. Four years later he decided to enroll in the Partnership’s Excellence in Government Fellows leadership development program. Pérez Aybar discusses his choice to join EIG and the importance of continuing to develop your leadership skills. Read More
Who out there wouldn’t like meetings to be more efficient? Ineffective meetings are a drag on productivity. One team of Excellence in Government Fellows participants decided to take on the challenge of making them more productive. Discover the toolkit they created to help federal employees determine if a meeting is necessary and plan to use the time most efficiently. Read More
The importance of federal acquisition It can be easy to overlook federal acquisition, one of the many support functions that helps the government run. These federal employees need leadership skills so they can negotiate the best government contracts, attract new service providers and more, writes Rachel Verlik, a coach with the Leadership Excellence for Acquisition Professionals program. Read More