We the Partnership

Celebrate Veterans Day every day

Daniel Sitterly, assistant secretary for the Office of Human Resources and Administration/Operations, Security and Preparedness in the Department of Veterans Affairs, writes about his decision to join the military and the importance of remembering veterans year round.

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Honoring the legacy of President George H. W. Bush

As we remember the remarkable life of President George H.W. Bush, the public ceremonies to honor this exceptional public servant provide officials in Congress and the executive branch with a rare opportunity to get to know one another. Narrowing the executive-legislative divide would be a fitting way to honor his legacy.

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Why I support the Partnership for Public Service

On this #GivingTuesday, Partnership board member Robert A. McDonald reflects on why—and how—he supports our organization. McDonald served as secretary of the Department of Veterans Affairs and is the retired chairman, president and CEO of The Proctor & Gamble Company.

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Thanking veterans all year long

Not only do veterans help protect our country by serving in the military, but they help Americans by serving in the federal government. Even though Veterans Day has passed, we should be thanking veterans for the many ways they serve our country all year long.

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