Leadership Development

Leadership Development


For questions or more information please contact Andrew Marshall.

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Leadership Development

For government to address the critical issues of today and tomorrow, it needs effective leaders who drive change, engage diverse workforces and act as stewards of the public trust.  

Our leadership development programs are more than bullet points on a resume. We provide leaders across government—from entry-level career employees to members of the Senior Executive Service and political appointees—with the skills they need to make a positive impact at their agencies, and plan, design and implement creative solutions to government’s most intractable problems. We also enable enrollees to assess their own performance and progress as leaders using the Public Service Leadership Model and provide agencies with more targeted support for their management needs. and provide agencies with more targeted support for their management needs

In all, our work provides federal leaders with tools, techniques and relationships they will use to create a better and more effective government throughout their careers. 

Download our Offerings Brochure


Thumbnail for Partnership Virtual Offerings
Continue your professional development while staying safe. To help you continue to achieve your agency’s mission and grow the skills of your agency’s employees, we have a variety of virtual courses available now.
Thumbnail for Excellence in Government Fellows Program
Prepares senior-level federal managers to become effective leaders capable of driving change in their agencies.
 Virtual or in-person sessions Virtual, Washington, D.C.
 168 classroom hours | 349 total training hours
Thumbnail for Foundations in Public Service Leadership Program
Prepares mid-career federal employees to effectively influence others, lead teams and drive change.
 36 total hours | 7 months
Thumbnail for Emerging HR Leaders Forum
Enhancing leadership abilities for high-potential HR employees.
 19 total hours | 6 months
Thumbnail for Preparing to Lead
Prepares federal employees to take on leadership responsibilities and become more effective in their current roles.
 29 total hours | 5 months
Thumbnail for Gov21 | The 21st Century Government Innovation Program
Provides GS-14 and GS-15 federal leaders with innovation tools and skills for effective government, preparing them to solve national challenges.
  Washington, D.C.
 42 hours | 3 months
Thumbnail for Partnership Leadership Seminars
Adaptable seminars for agencies looking to develop the leadership skills of their employees.
  Virtual, Washington, D.C.
 1–2 days

Public Service Leadership Model

Public servants aren’t driven by the bottom line—they’re driven by impact. Instead of asking how they can generate the biggest profits, they ask themselves, “How can we do the most good?” 

To help government leaders take advantage of the opportunity they have been given to improve our country, we developed the Public Service Leadership Model. This model is the new standard for effective federal leadership. It identifies the core values leaders must prioritize, and the critical competencies they must master to achieve their agencies’ missions and desired impact. By using the model, leaders can evaluate their performance, assess their leadership progress and chart a course for self-improvement.


Leadership Alumni Network

Our alumni community is dedicated to providing our program graduates with an environment of continual growth and learning. The network offers a variety of conferences, training opportunities and receptions for alumni to connect with each other and other leaders working in the federal, private and non-profit sectors.