Innovation and Technology Modernization

Roadmap for Renewing Our Federal Government

Innovation and Technology Modernization


Our country needs an effective, innovative government that can meet the demands of a fast-paced, interconnected, technology-driven world, but government often struggles to keep pace. Federal agencies offer few incentives for employees to try new ideas, are saddled with outdated technology and lag behind the private sector in hiring qualified technologists in sufficient numbers for critical leadership and staff positions. This antiquated system is an impediment to the government’s ability to meet the needs of today’s interconnected, technology-driven world and prepare for the challenges of the future. 

Just over four in 10 federal civil servants feel creativity and innovation are rewarded in the workplace, according to 2019 Best Places to Work in the Federal Government® data.

The government spends 80% of its annual $100 billion information technology budget on operating and maintaining existing IT investments, including legacy systemsmany of which are decades oldnot on new investments in leading-edge technologies. 

There are 16 times more mission-critical IT employees age 50 and over than under 30 (52.5% versus 3.3%). 

The federal government ranked last among 10 major economic sectors in customer satisfaction, falling short on the timeliness and ease of its processes, professionalism, courtesy, and website quality, according to the 2019 American Customer Satisfaction Index.  


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End crisis budgeting and create processes that foster forward-looking planning and sound management, including adopting biennial budget resolutions, more multi-year appropriations and the timely passage of appropriations bills. 

Short-term spending resolutions and government shutdowns impede agencies from engaging in long-term planning and investments, like replacing or modernizing antiquated IT systems.

Conduct a comprehensive review and update of all federal technology management laws, rules and regulations. 

Technologies have evolved rapidly since the adoption of laws such as the Clinger-Cohen Act of 1996 and the E-Government Act of 2002, but the framework for how the government acquires and manages technology has not kept pace with today’s needs. Modernizing the technology laws and practices will help bring the government in sync with today’s fast-paced digital economy, competitive labor market and evolving customer expectations.

Pass the Federal Agency Customer Experience Act of 2021 and other legislation related to customer service, and make it easier for agencies to collect customer feedback. 

The public deserves user-friendly services from the federal government, and the importance of providing fast and reliable services reached new heights during the coronavirus pandemic. Passing the FACE Act would revise an outdated law that makes it difficult to collect and publish customer experience data and that will allow agencies to collect that feedback and engage in conversations with their customers. 

Set an ambitious goal to improve public confidence in government through better customer service. 

Government needs a customer experience “moonshot” – a bold target that, if achieved, would demonstrate that agencies can deliver modern services that meet public needs and expectations. A customer focus will help agencies meet rising expectations and accomplish their missions as well as improve trust in government, which stands near an all-time low.   

Create a government-wide vision and strategy that outlines the “future state” of federal technology. 

The coronavirus pandemic demonstrated that technology is at the center of government’s ability to operate efficiently and deliver services. Outlining the steps, resources and roles essential to upgrade technology, while providing flexibility for agencies based on the technology needs of their employees and customers, will help government adapt to rapidly changing demands. Political and career leaders should also have a basic familiarity with technology and cybersecurity issues in order to focus on key priorities and make informed choices across all policy areas.

Expand customer experience guidance to apply to more of government’s high-impact services and create consistent standards across government for how the customer experience is managed,  measured and reported. 

In 2018, the Office of Management and Budget published guidance for how government’s 25 highest impact services should manage, measure and report on the customer experience. The country will be better served by expanding this guidance to additional government service providers, whether they interact directly with the public or provide internal mission-support services.   

Launch internal agency idea competitions. 

By soliciting, selecting and funding proposals that emanate from employees with firsthand knowledge of how their agencies operate, the government can improve the impact and cost-effectiveness of initiatives and programs. houses extensive resources for developing and running challenges and prize competitions.  

Develop procurement innovation coaches to support the acquisition workforce. 

A corps of acquisition workforce members who are empowered to be internal consultants and coaches could improve government’s often burdensome procurement process by supporting agency acquisition teams on specific procurements. The Procurement Innovation Lab within the Department of Homeland Security serves as a successful model as does the Digital IT Acquisition Professional Program, which trains acquisition specialists on designing innovative and flexible procurements. 

Prioritize improving equity and meeting the needs of government’s diverse customer base. 

Some populations face barriers accessing federal services, limiting the scope and effectiveness of federal programs. The implementation of Executive Order 13985 will help agencies understand and address the issues that underserved communities may face, including lack of internet access, language barriers and cultural considerations. Agencies also will be able to share best practices in reaching underserved people as part of cross-agency customer experience work.

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Thumbnail for Biden administration’s success depends on how they handle the federal government’s leadership crisis

In his first days in office, President Biden has taken significant steps to demonstrate how he will lead the government’s 2.1 million civil servants. We commend the new administration for taking early action to rebuild the federal workforce and offer recommendations for the team to focus on next.

Thumbnail for A Pivotal Moment for the Senior Executive Service: Measures, aspirational practices and stories of success

Inspired by President Obama’s December 2015 Executive Order – Strengthening the Senior Executive Service, the Partnership for Public Service and McKinsey & Company set out to identify practices to bolster the SES and provide baseline metrics on these practices. 

Thumbnail for Building the Leadership Bench: Developing a Talent Pipeline for the SES

In the next five years, nearly two-thirds of the Senior Executive Service (SES)—the elite cadre of civil servants who hold the top managerial and policy positions in government—will be retirement eligible. Given the complex challenges confronting our government, the need for strong leaders to fill these executive positions is critical. Are federal agencies prepared for the potential turnover? Are agency leaders identifying and developing aspiring executives?

Thumbnail for Mission-Driven Mobility: Strengthening Our Government Through a Mobile Leadership Corps

The Partnership for Public Service, in collaboration with McKinsey & Company examined all forms of mobility—intraagency to multisector—and identified the extent to which they are currently used and the barriers to their use. This report also sets forth a series of solutions for increasing SES mobility and building a leadership corps better equipped to drive results in government.

Thumbnail for SES Joint Policy Proposal

The Partnership for Public Service, the Volcker Alliance and Senior Executives Association have worked to identify solutions to strengthen the federal civil service, including at the leadership levels. By joining together, our organizations hope to build momentum to improve the government’s senior level talent management system and propel the civil service modernization conversation forward. We will pursue this agenda in Congress and with the Office of Personnel Management, the Office of Management and Budget and federal agencies.

Thumbnail for A Nonpartisan Model for Developing Public-Service Leaders

As Covid-19 spreads around the globe and throughout the United States, effective government leadership matters more than ever. Enter Dr. Anthony Fauci. Having led the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases through six presidential administrations, Fauci embodies what it means to serve the American public. Whether at a congressional hearing, at a White House press conference, or on TV shows like Face the Nation, both the people and the president look to the 79-year-old public servant for direction in this uncertain time, on everything from why social distancing matters to what actions we can take to lessen the burden on hospitals and the healthcare system.

Thumbnail for Tracking how many key positions Biden has filled so far

The Post and Partnership for Public Service, a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization, are tracking roughly 700 key executive branch nominations through the confirmation process. These positions include Cabinet secretaries, deputy and assistant secretaries, chief financial officers, general counsel, heads of agencies, ambassadors and other critical leadership positions. These are a portion of the roughly 1,200 positions that require Senate confirmation.

Thumbnail for Ready to Serve

Serving America through a presidential appointment is a great honor and responsibility.

Thumbnail for Center for Presidential Transition

The Partnership for Public Service’s Center for Presidential Transition® serves as the premier nonpartisan source of information and resources to help presidential candidates and their teams lay the groundwork for a new administration or for a president’s second term.

Thumbnail for Public Service Leadership Model

To help government leaders take advantage of the opportunity they have been given to improve our country, we developed the Public Service Leadership Model. This model is the new standard for effective federal leadership. It identifies the core values leaders must prioritize, and the critical competencies they must master to achieve their agencies’ missions and desired impact. By using the model, leaders can evaluate their performance, assess their leadership progress and chart a course for self-improvement.