How the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention overcame COVID-19 data challenges When the COVID-19 pandemic first hit, the federal government struggled to collect accurate, comprehensive and timely disease data. To overcome this obstacle, a unit within the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention—the Situational Awareness team—worked around the clock to create more effective data collection processes that the CDC leadership and agency partners needed to make informed decisions. Read More
From strategic plans to strategic results: Key tips for federal agencies In a recent workshop series, federal leaders discussed best practices that agencies could use as they prepare to submit their strategic plans for fiscal years 2022-2026. To implement strategic plans that deliver results, agencies must proactively communicate their plans to staff, integrate the plan into key processes, and regularly track progress on achieving the plan’s goals. Read More
How public-private talent exchanges benefit the federal government Public-private talent exchanges offer a number of benefits, yet the federal government has yet to realize their full potential. A new report aims to help federal agencies better understand the benefits and challenges of talent exchanges—and more effectively use them. Read More
6 recommendations to improve the federal government’s COVID-19 public health surveillance system Health crises like COVID-19 require a strong public health surveillance system that enables leaders to collect, analyze and interpret critical data about the prevalence and spread of disease. In the recent “Retracing Steps” report, the Partnership offered several recommendations for federal leaders to improve their efforts in this area. Read More
Why federal-state partnerships are key to addressing California’s natural disasters and emergencies As California’s climate and environmental crises continue to intensify, increased coordination between federal and state agencies will be essential. To help the state better address these critical issues, we offer key recommendations for bolstering collaboration across agencies, between levels of government, and with organizations in both the private and nonprofit sectors. Read More
Trading places: Civil servants recount their experiences in public-private talent exchanges Talent exchange programs can bolster the federal workforce and enable it to adapt to the vanguard of the private sector. We spoke with two civilian employees of the Navy who participated in the Defense Department’s Public-Private Talent Exchange and cited professional development as the biggest benefit of their six-month experience. Read More
New insights on building a bold agency strategic plan On Sept. 8, the Partnership and Grant Thornton hosted a virtual event to announce the publication of “Meeting the Moment: Tips for Building Bold Strategic Plans and Turning Them into Results.” During the event, members of the project team outlined the practical steps agency strategic planners can take to create useful plans that drive results. Read More
How agencies can open doors for job seekers without a four-year degree Our federal government would benefit from hiring job seekers without four-year degrees, an often overlooked talent pool. In a recent report, we outline the barriers that prevent individuals without four-year degrees from attaining federal work and offer recommendations to address them. Read More
The most effective strategies for surge hiring In “Rapid Reinforcements: Strategies for Federal Surge Hiring,” the Partnership examined federal surge hiring in response to the COVID-19 pandemic and outlined three strategies that agencies can implement to improve the process. Now, a new template can help hiring teams develop a strategic recruitment plan for surge hiring at their agencies. Read More
How a new focus on customer experience helped the Bureau of the Fiscal Service adapt to the pandemic Beginning in 2018, Bureau of the Fiscal Service leaders started investing in new technologies and streamlining internal decision-making processes to better meet the needs of other agencies and the public. This customer-focused modernization effort laid the groundwork for the bureau to provide crucial support services during the COVID-19 pandemic. Read More